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File a Complaint



Filing an Informal Complaint

Before You File

Before filing an informal complaint with the Public Utility Commission (PUCT), contact your electric, telephone, water or sewer provider first and allow them to investigate your complaint. If you are unable to come to a satisfactory resolution with your provider, you should then file a complaint with the PUCT's Consumer Protection Division. Before you begin the process, it is important that you understand your rights as a utility customer.


Informal Complaint Forms:


Contact a PUCT Representative:

Call: 1-888-782-8477
Austin: 512-936-7120
Fax: 1-512-936-7003
TTY: 1-800-735-2989

Write to us:

Public Utility Commission of Texas
P.O. Box 13326
Austin, TX 78711-3326


What Happens After You File a Complaint With the PUCT?

  • The complaint is reviewed and the process begins.
  • The complaint is sent to your electric, telephone or water company.
  • The electric or telephone company has 15 days to investigate and respond to the PUCT.
  • The water company has 15 days to investigate and respond to the PUCT.
  • After receiving the company's response, an investigator makes an evaluation to determine if the company has failed to follow the law.
  • The PUCT will send both you and your company a letter with the investigator's resolution.


Filing a Formal Complaint

If the Public Utility Commission of Texas' (PUCT) Consumer Protection Division is unable to resolve your issue, you have the option to file a formal complaint against the utility provider.

A formal complaint involves a legal proceeding with a judge, hearings, attorneys, evidence, and written testimony.

It can address issues within PUCT jurisdiction that are specific to your case but does not lead to fines or penalties for the utility provider. Additionally, it cannot alter PUCT rules or state laws, nor provide compensation for damages.

Participation is Key:

Your active participation is crucial in the formal complaint process. A PUCT attorney is assigned to your case but represents the interests of the general public. The attorney cannot offer legal advice or file anything on your behalf. You must engage with the judge, provide evidence, and attend hearings for the complaint - Just filing the formal complaint is not enough. The formal complaint can be thrown out if you do not participate.

How to file a formal complaint:

Write a detailed letter to the PUCT describing your complaint. Submit your letter using the PUCT's Interchange Filer. Detailed instructions for using the Interchange Filer can be found on the PUCT website.

Please include the following in your letter:

  • Your name, service address, billing address, and phone number.
  • The name of the utility provider.
  • A description of the problem and your desired outcome of the complaint (i.e. refund, change of service, etc.)
  • Any documentation that supports your complaint.
  • A copy of the letter from the Consumer Protection Division that provided the results of the informal complaint.
  • Information that you submit is public and can be seen by the other people following the case.


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