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CCN Mapping Resources


This page contains water and sewer CCN mapping information and resources for mapping professionals to ensure compliance with the PUCT's mapping requirements for water and sewer CCN applications and petitions.


CCN Mapping Video and PDF

Please provide feedback on the Water and Sewer CCN Mapping video:


CCN Mapping PDF:



ArcGIS Templates for CCN Maps


Water and Sewer CCN Viewer

PUCT's Water and Sewer CCN Viewer


1. What is a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN)?

A Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) gives a retail public utility the exclusive right to provide retail water or sewer utility service to an identified geographic area. The Texas Water Code and Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) rules refer to this as the “certificated service area.” A CCN holder is required to provide continuous and adequate service to the area within its CCN boundary.

Investor-owned utilities (IOUs), Water Supply Corporations (WSCs), and affected counties are required to have a CCN.

While some municipalities and districts choose to obtain a CCN, they are not required to have one unless the district or municipality seeks to provide retail water or sewer service within an existing CCN.

An exempt utility is a water utility that provides retail water to less than 15 potential connections for compensation and that is not located in another utility's CCN service area. Exempt utilities may register with the PUCT as an “Exempt Utility” and are not required to obtain a CCN.

Types of Certificated Service Areas:

  • Bounded Service Areas: A certificated service area with closed boundaries that often follows identifiable physical and cultural features such as roads, rivers, streams and political boundaries.

  • Facilities +200 Feet: A certificated service area represented by lines on a map. They include a buffer of a specified number of feet (usually 200 feet). The lines on a map normally follow along roads and may correspond to distribution lines or facilities in the ground.

  • Facilities Only: A certificated service area represented by lines on a map. They are granted for a "point of use" that covers only the customer connections at the time the CCN is granted. Facility only service lines normally follow along roads and may correspond to distribution lines or facilities in the ground.

2. What is the Purpose of Maps in Applications and Petitions?

The purpose of the maps is to support the intent of the application, show the location of the requested area and provide notice to the public.

3. What are the CCN Mapping Requirements for Applications and Petitions?

Mapping Requirements for Applications and Petitions*

  • A general location map identifying only the requested area, in reference to the nearest county boundary, city, or town.
  • A detailed map identifying only the requested area, in reference to verifiable man-made and natural landmarks, such as roads, rivers, and railroads.
  • Digital mapping data for the requested area, as a single polygon record, in a shapefile (SHP) format, georeferenced in either NAD83 Texas Statewide Mapping System (Meters) or NAD83 Texas State Plane Coordinate System (US Feet); or metes and bounds survey sealed or embossed by either a licensed state surveyor or a registered professional land surveyor.

Mapping Requirements for a Streamlined Expedited Release (SER) and Expedited Release (ER)*

  • A general location map identifying the tract of land in reference to the nearest county boundary, city, or town.
  • A detailed map identifying the tract of land in reference to verifiable man-made and natural landmarks, such as roads, rivers, and railroads. If ownership of the tract of land is conveyed by multiple deeds, this map must also identify the location and acreage of land conveyed by each deed.
  • Digital mapping data in a shapefile (SHP) format georeferenced in either NAD 83 Texas State Plane Coordinate System (US feet) or in NAD 83 Texas Statewide Mapping System (meters). The digital mapping data must include a single, continuous polygon record.

*Statute and rule allow Commission staff to request additional mapping information.

4. What is the CCN Mapping Guidance for Applications and Petitions?

Guidance Documents:

Mapping Guidance for Applications and Petitions:

Dockets are reviewed for administrative completeness once filed through the PUCT Interchange System. Although general mapping guidance may be provided before an application or petition is filed, specific guidance is based on a review of the information contained in a filed application or petition.

When creating the requested area displayed on the general location map, detailed map, and in the digital mapping data (shapefile), we recommend using PUCT's water and sewer CCN digital mapping data to ensure that the outer boundary of the requested area accurately aligns with surrounding CCN's. Our video details how to create maps and digital mapping data that meets CCN mapping requirements.

PUCT's water and sewer CCN shapefiles are provided in NAD 1983, Texas Statewide Mapping System (Meters), and are intended to be used in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software. For Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software, please request the water and sewer CCN shapefiles needed in NAD 1983 Texas State Plane Coordinate System (US Feet) from the Mapping Section staff at

The following mapping guidance provides support to mapping professionals to meet the minimum standard mapping requirements. The requested area or tract of land must be identified on the maps and digital mapping data submitted for applications to obtain or amend a CCN; for the sale, transfer, or merger (STM) of a utility; applications for a 13.255; petitions to decertify a CCN in a 13.254; petitions to amend CCN(s) in a 13.248; and petitions for streamlined expedited release and expedited release.

  • The maps must accurately identify the location of the requested area in reference to verifiable man-made landmarks (i.e., county boundary, city limit boundaries, town, roads, and railroads), and natural landmarks (i.e., rivers, streams, and lakes).
  • The maps should frame and center on the requested area in reference to the nearest verifiable man-made and natural landmarks located to the north, east, south, and west.
  • For notice purposes:
    • Map layouts should be either 8.5x11 inches or 11x17 inches.
    • Map layouts should be color or gray scale ready.
    • To account for individuals with red-green color blindness, please do not use red or green colors for the outer boundary of the requested area or tract of land.
  • Maps must include the following map elements:
    • Title to state the affected Utility Name(s) and CCN No.(s)
      • Names for CCN holders must include the correct legal entity name.
    • Legend to identify and symbolize:
      • The boundary of the requested area and the actions (amend, decertify, dually certify, obtain, transfer) taking place; or
      • The boundary of the tract of land.
    • North arrow to show the direction of north on the map.
    • Scale bar to determine the distance and scale used on the map.
  • The outer boundary of the requested area must not be obstructed by labels.
  • Verifiable man-made and natural landmarks must not be covered by labels.
  • Do not include neighboring CCN boundaries on maps.
  • Requested water area(s) and requested sewer area(s) must be shown on separate maps if the boundaries for each area are different.
  • Multiple requested water areas and requested sewer areas must be sequentially numbered (1, 2, 3, etc.) and labeled in legends and on both the general location maps and detailed maps.
  • Digital mapping data that are shapefiles require the following file extensions (.dbf, .prj, .shp, .shx).
  • The digital mapping data, general location and detailed map must identify the same boundary of the requested area.
  • Boundaries for the requested area:
    • Should share coincident boundaries with existing CCN's and city limits, where appropriate.
    • Agreements are required if the requested area overlaps existing CCN's or city limits:
      • To resolve an overlap with an existing CCN, need agreement to:
        • Decertify a CCN;
        • Decertify a CCN and Amend to a CCN;
        • Transfer a CCN; and
        • Obtain Dual certification.
      • To resolve an overlap with a City:
        • CCN holder needs consent from City to provide retail water or sewer service within the City's corporate boundaries.

SER and ER Mapping Guidance to Meet Minimum Mapping Requirements:

To accurately reflect the acreage conveyed in the deed and properly decertify a tract of land from a CCN, the digital mapping data (shapefile) for the tract of land should be generated from a metes and bounds description provided in the deed or a new metes and bounds survey. PUCT's Mapping Section analyze the petitioner's maps and shapefile to determine the amount of acreage that may be decertified from the CCN. Therefore, the petitioner does not need to indicate the acreage overlapping the CCN in the petition or affidavit.

  • The petitioner's maps and the shapefile must identify the tract of land conveyed in the deed.
  • The tract of land must match the acreage provided in the deed.
  • A tract of land may consist of one deed, multiple deeds, or multiple tracts.
  • If a tract of land has one deed, then the petitioner should identify the tract of land on the maps and in the shapefiles.
  • If a tract of land has multiple deeds, then the petitioner should identify each tract, and their associated acreage from the deed on the maps and in the shapefiles.
  • If a tract of land has multiple tracts conveyed in one deed, then the petitioner should identify each tract and associated acreage of each tract on the maps and in the shapefiles.
  • If there is an acreage difference in the shapefile and the deed, then a revised metes and bounds survey certified by a licensed state land surveyor or registered professional land surveyor, or an explanation for the acreage difference is needed.
  • Maps should not include neighboring CCN boundaries.

5. How do I use PUCT's GIS Map Templates to Create Required Maps?

Editable templates with instructions are available in the versions below to help mapping professionals create required maps. Templates will streamline the process to create customized maps that meet mapping requirements.

7. What are the Filing Requirements for Maps and Digital Mapping Data?

When filing maps and digital mapping data submitted for applications to obtain or amend a CCN; for the sale, transfer, or merger (STM) of a utility; petitions to decertify a CCN; petitions to transfer a CCN(s) in a 13.248; and petitions to amend a CCN(s) in a 13.255, applicants must file:

  • general location(s)
  • detailed map(s)
  • digital mapping data (shapefile or geodatabase) identifying the requested area(s) or tract of land.

Digital Mapping Data:

All file formats of digital mapping data (shapefile or geodatabase) containing the requested area(s) or tract of land must be georeferenced in either NAD 83 Texas State Plane Coordinate System (US feet) or in NAD 83 Texas Statewide Mapping System (meters). Each shapefile shall include a single, continuous polygon record labeled as the requested area or tract of land. The digital mapping data must be filed in the approved formats identified below.

Acceptable File Formats:

  • A shapefile requires all of the following file extensions (.dbf, .prj, .shp, and .shx) for a usable shapefile; or
  • Geodatabase (.gdb).

Filing Guidance:

Applicants must electronically upload the maps in the originally scaled Adobe PDF and digital mapping data into the PUCT Interchange Filer. Click on PUCT Filing Procedures for more detailed information on how to file new applications and supplemental items with the PUCT.

  • Maps must not be reduced or enlarged.
  • If one of the maps requires revisions, then both the general location and detailed maps must be filed together.
  • Include a cover letter when filing revised maps and digital mapping data:
    • Provide a statement indicating the reason for the revised mapping information.
    • List the mapping information that is included in the filing.

8. Where can I Download PUCT's Water and Sewer CCN Digital Mapping Data?

The PUCT's official CCN digital mapping data (CCN data) includes certificated service areas for retail water and sewer utilities. This CCN data is available for download in a shapefile format in the projection, NAD 83 Texas Statewide Mapping System (TSMS) (Meters) and Texas State Plane Coordinate System (TXSP). The CCN data includes the current boundaries for the certificated service area issued to each CCN holder. Before filing an application, we suggest using this CCN data to remove any overlaps or gaps with existing CCNs and before filing the requested digital mapping data with an application.

Click on Water and Sewer CCN Viewer to view, search and print existing CCN data

Please email questions you have regarding CCN maps, the CCN viewer or data files.

9. How do I Use the Water and Sewer CCN Viewer?

The CCN digital mapping data (CCN data) is available to view on the PUCT's Water and Sewer CCN viewer (CCN viewer). The boundaries in the CCN viewer are based on the official CCN data available for download from FAQ #8. The CCN viewer enables users to search by address or CCN number, view, and print the boundary of a CCN. In addition, the CCN viewer may be used to prepare map filings for applications to transfer a CCN. Before creating the required maps and digital mapping data filed with an application, we suggest reviewing the official CCN data.

Click here to access the CCN Viewer.

10. Who Provides Water and Sewer Services to My Address or Property?

If you need help finding out who provides retail water and sewer services to an address or property, you may use the Water and Sewer CCN Viewer to locate the provider. If you are unable to locate the address or property in the CCN Viewer, you may obtain further assistance by returning the form below to the PUCT Mapping Staff either by email or mail.



Email Request To:


Mail Request To:

Public Utility Commission of Texas
Water Utility Division
Attention: Mapping Staff
P.O. Box 13326
Austin, TX 78711-3326