The Public Utility Commission of Texas regulates the state's electric, telecommunication, and water and sewer utilities, implements respective legislation, and provides customer assistance in resolving consumer complaints.
Area Code 806 has 721 Prefixes
Cities and prefixes for each area code have been provided by the North American Numbering Plan Administration (NANPA), which oversees the area code number assignment system. This information will change as new prefixes are added or returned.
Prefix information will be updated periodically from the NANPA database of Texas prefixes in use in each area code. All prefixes listed on the Texas Area Codes site reflect NANPA numbering data through November, 2023. Because of the way telephone data is assembled, some cities may not be on the list. If you feel any city is not listed or is listed incorrectly, please send the city, prefix, and area code to and it will be researched and added if NANPA's information coincides. Any questions or comments about the Texas Area Codes section of the PUCT site should also be sent to this address.