Please contact your telephone service provider first and allow them to investigate your complaint. If you are unable to come to a satisfactory resolution with your service provider, you may then submit a complaint with the PUCT.
What are Billing Issues?
Complaints related to
Amount a customer has been billed; or
Rates and charges
Deposits and refunds
No bills received
State programs and Fees
Collect calls
Directory assistance
Any rule or tariff related to billing of the customer’s account
What is Cramming?
“Cramming” is adding of charges for optional services to customer’s telephone bill without permission.
What is Provision of Service?
Complaints related to:
Timely initiation of service
Refusal of service
Fraud, deception and misleading information
Customer service
What are Quality of Service Issues?
Includes complaints related to telephone outages or static on the line.
What is Slamming?
“Slamming”, is switching of a customer’s telephone service – local or long distance – without the customer’s authorization. It can also mean continuing to process a switch after a customer has cancelled a switch request.
What is Disconnection of Service?
Complaints related to disconnection of service, including:
Lack of appropriate notice
Amount due in dispute
Service disconnected while a billed amount is in dispute